Accurate property tax assessments key for business owners
March 4, 2025
With property tax assessments coming out soon, business leaders need to ensure that their properties are valued properly.
Certain methods of assessing property often do not reflect real market conditions.
Inaccurately inflated assessments lead to you paying more in taxes than you need to.
And the window to appeal your assessments is short – which is why we wanted to bring this up now.
If your property tax bill tops $50,000 (or if you anticipate that it will climb above that threshold this year), your assessment might warrant a closer look.
Honkamp can arrange for an evaluation of your property tax assessment(s) and, if warranted, coordinate an appeal of your assessed value and resulting property taxes.
There will be no up-front cost to you for consultation, and fees only would be assessed if and when savings are realized.
If you pay at least $50,000 in property taxes annually, contact us to get the process started.
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