Iowa Business Property Tax

An Iowa business property tax switch-up

June 28, 2022

By Scott Brawdy, CPA

Attention Iowa business property owners: changes are coming! On May 2, 2022, Governor Kim Reynolds signed bill HF 2552 into law, converting the previous business property tax credit to an exemption. Unlike the tax credit that required an application each time a property was purchased, switched hands or the deed was recorded, the exemption will instead automatically be applied to the business property. Bill HF 2552 will also alter the state's reimbursements to local governments.

So, what changed?

Besides switching to an automatic deduction and eliminating the application process, owners of commercial, railroad or industrial properties who did not receive the tax credit previously will now qualify for the business property tax exemption and therefore see property tax reductions. With the previous tax credit, real property (land and all things attached to it) that was commercial, railroad or industrial could only qualify for an initial portion of the property value, or it simply didn't qualify.

Taxpayers who own properties with values assessed at $150,000 or below will retain their current benefits if they have the previous tax credit on file, seeing no change in property taxes as of now.

Additionally, bill HF 2552 replaces the existing standing general fund appropriation of $125 million (used to fund the old business property tax credit) with a standing general fund appropriation of up to $125 million. The new standing general fund will be used to reimburse local governments for the tax deductions that businesses will now have due to the new business property tax exemption. Lawmakers believe the new standing general fund will exceed the projected level of claims for fiscal years 2024 through 2029. Then in fiscal year 2030, the local government reimbursement claims will begin being prorated.

Why the switch?

There are a few reasons one could speculate why the business property tax credit was switched to a tax exemption. One reason is that many business property owners didn't know this credit existed. This lack of awareness caused almost 10%, or 6 billion of Iowa's assessed business properties, to miss out on collecting the tax credit.

Furthermore, a few lawmakers have also stated this change is an attempt to make the Iowa Department of Revenue more effective and efficient for taxpayers.

Like most things in life, change is likely still on the horizon for Iowa tax laws, so stay tuned.

This article was previously published in the Tri-State Biz Times.

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