Software Solutions
Sound familiar?
- We are not using our software the way it was sold to us or as we intended to use it.
- We don’t think our systems and software fit the needs of our business anymore.
- Too many company resources are being used to manage our systems/software.
- We are constantly adding staff to complete tasks that should be accomplished by technology or a software solution.
- I am not confident I am making business decisions on current and accurate information.
These are just a few examples of problems you may experience if you are not getting useful information out of your business’s technology systems. Honkamp's SSG can help you pull it all together.
Match needs and process flows with the right technology
Honkamp helps business owners translate their technology wants into a software solution. We work with you to pull together your business needs and process flow to help identify the proper software solution. The analysis also will help identify ways you can use technology to streamline your business processes.
Realize the full potential of your current software
Do you have software you don’t use to its full potential, or are you implementing new software with no idea where to start? Even if the product isn’t from us, we can help you better utilize what you have. We’ll act as your software advocate. We know what questions to ask and will make sure your vendor understands your business needs and provides the best solution possible.
We understand that by combining proven technology, reputable accounting software and a fundamental understanding of your business, your company can realize its greatest potential.
Partnering with the top software vendors in the country
SSG specializes in the Sage Software family of accounting software – the award-winning Sage 100 ERP Standard/Advanced solutions.
Our experience with these solutions gives us great insight in recommending, implementing and supporting solutions that serve your business needs today and into the future.
Current services include:
- Accounting software
- Systems consulting
- Software requirements analysis
- Implementation
- Project management
- Support services
- Custom programming
- Business intelligence and reporting
- Staffing solutions
Sage 100 payroll year-end processing links
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